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A collection of articles, awards, ehibits

Sport e Design

Àlpico at BIO.22, Biennal of Industrial Design in Ljubljana (7 October 2010): 503 candidates from 34 countries, 132 admitted to the contest.
Àlpico was among the 10 products awarded with the honourable mention. See video and pictures from the event.

Sport e Design

Ālpico e innovation Made in Italy: Àlpico participated to the Sport&Design.it exhibit in Ivrea (IT), Toronto, Beijing, Johannesburg, Utrecth (NL) with other innovative products of the Italian Sport Design excellence.

There is a book about the exhibit,: Sport design system: Il progetto dell'attrezzatura sportiva, by Elianora Baldassarri.
Àlpico is shown by Anty Pansera, professor of Design History, among the examples of Sport Design (see page 19).

Sport e Design

JEC Composite Award 2009 - top-level competition for Innovation in composite materials: Àlpico was among the 2 finalists in the Sports and Leisure category (see the award brochure)

Sport e Design

Outdoor Guide 2009 - Innovative product: Aludesign (Climbing Technology) presented Àlpico (ÀLPIne COmpanion), the revolutionary B-rated walking axe... (read more)

Stefano Pinzi - CAI Valdarno: Àlpico - the ice axe (in italian): transl. …. what distinguishes the SMC used for Àlpico ice axe is the unique chemical and physical properties of the new matrix ...(read more, in italian)

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